Green Rabbit
This Green Woodland Bunny was fired in my friend, Crawford Horn's, pink moon woodfiring over at Thistle Glen Pottery in Hillsborough. He was handbuilt and hand carved with layers of red iron oxide and illminite sand added for details. A layer of enamel was added at the end of the process and low fired onto the details of the eyes and nose. There is a sawtooth hanger attached to the back to hang on the wall.
This has a hidden wishing well on the back -hand write your wish on a piece of paper and add it into the wishing well until your wish comes true.
Part of the "Portal Series"
It measures 5.5" x 4" x 3"
Shipping avalible within the US to all 50 states. Free local delivery in Orange County, NC or free pickup from my studio in Efland, NC